Friday, December 24, 2004
Yesterday night I saw Swades and then I had a feeling that we have a lot to do and its high time that we all realize this and put efforts in the right direction to enable us to achieve the vision 2020 set by some visionaries. As I went back home, I scribbled something in the dark and the only significant line I could write was "There is no fire, but I feel warm; There is no light, but I can still see..."
Its so true that under pressure we rely on our culture and family values that make us the best among all the nations, but if we really had any respect for our culture and heritage, why would we still follow some of the inhumane practices and rituals and still have racial differences and are prone to communal riots? I guess something went wrong somewhere and we need to rectify it at the earliest.
We have two huge goals – Technology & Innovation and Communal harmony & compassion for all. (Hame shaktishali banana hain aur apna sayaam bhi banaye rakhne)
I know I have expressed idealistic overview of the changes, but we need to do all this to move ahead – We can share ideas at India needs a revolution (a Orkut Community)