Saturday, November 20, 2004
Lost again

I guess I need a mentor - someone who will understand me and guide me...
Even Sir Isaac Newton & Swami Vivekananda had a mentor - So I should have one too. It's only fair; I am not asking for a lot. Am I?
For first time in life the acads have kept me so busy. I am having a nightout every week and am sleeping for about 6 hours/day for the months of October & November, instead of the regular 9 hours/weekday and 12 hours/holiday. I am not sure how good my decision to take up six graduate level courses this semester was. Though there have been some nice developments recently usually the most enjoyable moment is talking to my Sister & Parents and I look forward to talking to them every Sunday morning.
[edited on 11/22/04]
This weekend I was DEEP into work.... gosh I have never been so busy all my life... I needed a breather and thought of calling my new friend in college station... but the friend had left for Houston and didn't answer the phone... :(
So I got back to sulking at my profs again... the same old story right... and the worst part is that I am insanely enjoying working on my projects (though it is still not running!!)... looks like no respite for the next couple of weeks at least... I slept for 4 hours on Saturday and then 8 hours on Monday.
1. I need someone to escort me in my personal life,
2. I need to break my shell - I am so painfully introverted these days, probably because of some recent incidents that had an impact at a deep personal level.
3. I need to understand my competitors,
4. I need to understand the right stuff for engineering market
5. I need to understand the four steps for engineers to make more money,
Does it make any sense:
Did you know that a relationship that got initiated through an online community may die before it even has a chance to blossom... I am not sure about you, but I was kind of shattered to learn that.