Thursday, August 05, 2004
virus attacks mobile networks
According to McAfee, mobile viruses have been with us since September 2000, with the Liberty Horse Trojan, with at least eight other Trojan, SMS and other types having been discovered to date.
Frankly speaking, we expected viruses to hit mobile devices even earlier, as all conditions for that have been available for years.
You may read more on this at (if you need a login: use abcd_ilu for User Name and abcdilu for Password)
But I would surely classify "Ace-?" with other such virus rumors as a hoax. Please refrain from further spreading this virus rumor and to in turn inform colleagues and friends that this is actually a "non-existent" or "hoax" virus.
From an email that I received today:
All mobile users pay attention if you receive a phone call and your mobile phone displays ( ACE ) on the screen don't answer the call.
If you answer the call, your phone will be infected by a virus.
This virus will erase all IMEI and IMSI information from both your phone and your SIM card, which will make your phone unable to connect with the telephone network. You will have to buy a new phone. This information has been confirmed by both Motorola and Nokia.
There are over 3 Million mobile phones being infected by this virus in USA now. You can also check this news in the CNN web site.